Environmental Preservation

(Clean Air/Clean Water/Open Space)

Preserving clean water, clean air, and open space is so important to preventing over development at the expense of our environment.

Our community depends on the Delaware River as a vital source of drinking water, and we cannot allow hazardous waste to pollute the air and waterways that we all rely upon. New Jersey should be on the front lines of innovation for cleaner and more efficient forms of energy to power our State. We can move closer towards this goal through introducing low cost financing for green infrastructure upgrades as well as public-private partnership programs that will expand access to alternative fueling and charging stations. I am also supporting legislation to secure strong and reliable funding for local parks, wildlife habitats, farmland, and open space conservation. As an avid fisherman, I am just one of the 2.4 million people in New Jersey each year that enjoy the countless opportunities our parks offer to enjoy life and escape the daily grind.